Page 7 - e-Brochure
P. 7
The Phoenician City
Encircled by mountains Day 7
and the sea, is a city PALERMO
steeped in history. The best part of the day
The Phoenicians arrived visiting:
in the 8th century BC and Monreale Duomo -
set up a trading station. A visit to this stunning
Palermo later became Cathedral built from 1174
part of the Byzantine featuring a refined
Empire, then the Arabs mixture of architectural
arrived in 831 AD, the styles of Islamic,
Normans in 1072 AD, Byzantine and Romanesque
followed by the Spanish, with most impressive wall art depicting biblical scenes.
and then the Turks, British Palatine Chapel -
and finally, the Italians, Located in the Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace), residence of
each nation and culture Sicilian Parliament.
leaving its distinctive Palermo Cathedral -
mark on the architecture 12th century showing numerous masterpieces of local and
and language of the Sicilian skill.
inhabitants. Orientation -
By coach round the main areas of the city and port area
with time for a stroll and to browse.
Dinner & Overnight in
Monreale - Christ Pantocrator